Get Certified - Move Up Your Career
American Hotel & Lodging Educational Institute (AHLEI) strongly supports and encourages the certification of hospitality professionals in all facets of the industry.
Who should take AHLEI courses?
People who want to take charge of their future and get ahead! Our thousands of successful graduates around the world represent all walks of life:
Department heads, assistant managers, and supervisors in hotels and restaurants
People already working in the hospitality field can learn more about their own areas and also expand their knowledge about other hospitality departments. AHLEI coursework can prepare entry-level staff for supervisory positions and assistant managers for top management. Even those who have worked in the industry for many years can learn new ideas to make their jobs easier and more effective.
Hotel administration graduates
Graduates of four-year hotel and restaurant management programs can keep up-to-date by taking our courses. The areas of specialization and diploma curricula can help graduates prepare for advanced credentials such as the Certified Hotel Administrator (CHA ® ) or department-head level professional designations.
Business administration graduates
Business administration graduates who enter management or corporate positions within the hospitality industry can quickly learn the operational side of the business through AHLEI courses.
Individuals without college degrees
Perhaps no other group stands to gain so much from AHLEI study as those who have not earned a university degree in the hospitality area. AHLEI’s areas of specialization, operations certificate, and management diploma curricula can prepare individuals to successfully compete for jobs alongside university-trained hospitality graduates.
Department of Defense personnel and military veterans
Stationed in far-reaching corners of the world, military and civilian Department of Defense personnel and veterans have discovered that Distance Learning gives them the skills they need to move ahead in a military hospitality operation. It also adds to their marketability in the civilian job market once their service commitment ends.
Those who want to make an exciting career change
Many people who are dissatisfied with their current job situation find the hospitality industry to be the ideal place to seek either part-time or full-time work. AHLEI courses help build the confidence and know-how that allow individuals to take advantage of the many opportunities in hotels, clubs, resorts, and restaurants.
You set the pace for achieving your goals.
Whether you’re looking to move forward in a lodging or restaurant career or wish to learn the latest about a specific area of hospitality, AHLEI can help.
You can expand your career options through Distance Learning by building management skills or learning the technical side of different operational areas within the hospitality industry. Make yourself more valuable on the job and prepare to take on new responsibilities.
Put yourself on the fast track.
Compete for management positions without a four-year degree! From single courses to our management diploma, you can get the hospitality-specific training the industry demands with the advantages of distance learning:
- Learn while you earn—continue to work while you take courses.
- Learn on your own time as your schedule permits.
- Save the time and expense of traveling to class.
- Use materials that are developed by practicing industry experts and hospitality educators.
- Earn globally-recognized certificates from the American Hotel & Lodging Educational Institute.
- Gain recognition for the knowledge you already have—earn certificates by “testing out” of courses through the unique Challenge Exam option.
How Getting Certified Can Help?
Competitive edge in the industry
Career improvement
Employment opportunities
Higher wages
Job retention
Promotion eligibility
Getting Certified
Widely recognized as the preeminent leader in hospitality credentials, the American Hotel & Lodging Educational Institute (AHLEI) provides certification for hospitality professionals in all facets of the industry, including:
- hotels
- food & beverage establishments
- trainers
- hospitality educators
- hotel suppliers
- spas
Professional Certification demonstrates proficiency. It is a concrete indication of your skill, and shows employers and guests that you are committed to your profession and are well trained with proven abilities.
Continuing education is a lifelong process and is motivated by a number of factors, including curiosity, self-identified gaps in knowledge, and the desire to provide the very best as an individual – and the very best guest service.
Although certification is voluntary, individuals have the responsibility to demonstrate competence before expecting the recognition and rewards of a profession. In addition, certification and the process of certificate maintenance through continuing education lend credibility to many professions in legislative and policy arenas.
Step-1-You Apply for Certification
It is important when applying for a certification that all supporting documentation listed on the application is provided. This will help ensure that the application is processed in a timely manner. Application is processed in approximately two weeks from being received.
Step-2-Exam Preparation Material
If exam preparation materials are included in the certification program fee, they will become available once the application process is complete with supporting documentation and payment.
Time allowance from date of enrollment to successfully complete the exam can vary based on certification selected.
Step-4-Candidate Passes Exam
Candidates receive their pin and certificate approximately four weeks after successfully passing the certification exam.
Fee Package & Policies
We understand that personal and professional demands sometimes make continuation of a study program impossible. Be assured that our liberal cancellation policy protects you if you change your mind about your career or your studies. This policy is detailed on the back of the enrollment application. Do keep our “Interruption of Training” policy in mind if you ever consider the possibility of canceling.
If, for any reason, you discontinue your studies, then decide you would like to start where you left off, COTHM has an easy re-enrollment plan. Contact us about your intent to re-enroll in a course or curriculum, pay a nominal re-enrollment fee of AED 250/- for a single course of AED 200/- for multiple courses, and resume your studies. Any questions about this policy should be directed to the distance learning manager at
Take the Educational Institute Challenge!
If you’ve already gained hospitality knowledge through experience or past education, you can earn certificates from the COTH/AHLEI without ever taking a course. It’s like “testing out” of the requirements. You save study time and enrollment dollars. Simply take the Challenge Exam for the course(s) or Specialization of your choice-or challenge the Hospitality Operations Certificate or Hospitality Management Diploma! The Challenge Exam tests your knowledge of the subjects covered in the respective course(s). If you pass with a grade of 70% or better, you receive the appropriate certificate and full academic credit. Enrollment in the Challenge Exam is available through the online Distance Learning application.
AHLEI’s Guarantee-You can’t lose!
If you purchase a Challenge Exam and do not pass, you may apply the cost of the examination to the current price of enrolling in the course or study program that you challenged. You pay only the difference between the cost of the Challenge Exam and the full price of the course or study program. So, you really can’t lose with the Challenge Exam! Please note that the Challenge Exam fees are non-refundable and nontransferable (except as described above).
COTHM offers individual courses that cover a variety of hospitality management topics, and also combines those courses into programs that lead to a more advanced curriculum certificate.
Upon completion of a course, what do I receive?
Once you successfully pass the course exam with a score of 70 percent or higher, you will receive a certificate of completion. IF you pass the final exam with a score of 90 percent or higher, your certificate will state “With Honors.” For completion of our multiple-course curriculum programs, you receive a certificate for each individual course, as well as a framed certificate for the curriculum.
As soon as your application is approved, you may begin your course.
Yes installment plans are available, please contact us for more detail
From the day of course enrollment. Distance learning is a self-paced program; progress depends on the amount of time you dedicate to your studies. Each course has approximately 40 hours of learning content. The welcome packet you receive with your course includes some helpful suggestions for breaking the course into manageable sections for more effective studying and learning. please contact us for more detail
If you do not successfully complete the final examination, you are entitled to one retake examination at no charge.
If, for any reason, you discontinue your studies, then decide you would like to start where you left off-you’re in luck. COTHM has an easy re-enrollment plan. Simply contact us about your intent to re-enroll in a course or curriculum, please contact us for more detail
No there are no requirements or prerequisites for enrollment, although we suggest that students be proficient at reading English.
Yes special discounts are available, please contact us for more detail