Highfield UK Qualifications - COTHM Dubai

Highfield UK Qualifications

Meet Essential Legal Requirements for all Food Handlers

About Highfield UK

Below you will find information about Highfield Qualifications, the certification body of the Highfield Group

Highfield is a global leaders in compliance and work-based learning and training qualifications UK’s most recognisable awarding organisations. Highfield is regulated by Ofqual, Qualifications Wales, SQA Accreditation, the Council for the Curriculum, Examinations and Assessment (CCEA), and the Security Industry Authority (SIA). In addition to this, Highfield is also a government-regulated end-point assessment organisation (EPAO).

As an awarding institution, Highfield has developed more than 300 certificates designed to improve the career prospects of its students. These certifications are now offered by more than 34,000 trainers and trainers in 57 countries. They cover a wide range of industries, including retail, health and social care, finance, and customer service, rail and engineering, hospitality, logistics, aviation and many more.

About Ofqual UK

Ofqual is the regulator of qualifications, examinations and assessments in England. Ofqual is a non-ministerial government department which reports directly to the UK Parliament.

It was set up in 2010 and its main objectives are:

  • To secure that qualifications give a reliable indication of skills, knowledge and understanding and that the attainment level is consistent over time.
  • To secure that assessments give a reliable indication of skills, knowledge and understanding and that the attainment level is consistent over time.
  • To promote public confidence in regulated qualifications and assessments.
  • To promote awareness of the range of qualifications and the benefits of regulated qualifications to the public.
  • To secure efficiency and value for money in regulated qualifications.

Awarding bodies are accredited by Ofqual and only accredited Awarding bodies can provide prescribed qualifications. In this way, Ofqual ensures that only organizations with the right resources, capabilities, and expertise can award qualifications. Highfield is one of the Ofqual accredited awarding body.

Food Safety Level 1 to Level 4

Training, supervision and instruction are essential legal requirements for all food handlers. Our food safety and hygiene qualifications ensure employees gain a firm grasp of the importance of food hygiene and knowledge of the systems, techniques, and procedures involved. Successful candidates who complete food hygiene courses will also gain the confidence and expertise to deliver food safely to customers while enhancing their career prospects. Highfield also allows its training centres to offer certified management training programmes - Certified Food Safety Management Programme and Manager in Charge Programme.


Highfield offers an extensive range of regulated, international, and Highfield accredited qualifications as well as certified programmes for delivery outside the UK. As an awarding organisation, Highfield researches, designs and then manages the quality of its portfolio of qualifications to ensure that the qualifications are delivered to a consistent high standard in the UK and internationally.

Learner Journey

We offer you to improve your current skills and enhance your subject knowledge by taking our professional qualifications which will also enhance your employment probability. Our school offers a wide range of online course which can be chosen by you as per your suitability. 
Our process is simple, which is described in the given 4 steps:

STEP 1: Course Selection

Select a Course of Choice

STEP 2: Study Material

Food Safety Level  1 & Level 2:
eBook + eLearning

Food Safety Level  3:
eBook + eLearning + Half day remote training

Food Safety Level  4:
eBook + Half day remote training

HACCP Level  3:
eBook + eSlides + Half day remote training

HACCP Level  4:
eBook + Remote training

STEP 3: Examination & Qualification

Take Online Examination to Receive Qualification

How Getting Certified Can Help?

Competitive edge in the industry

Career improvement

Employment opportunities

Higher wages

Job retention

Promotion eligibility

Here you can explore all our courses, use smart filters based on qualifications and job functions to look for a course that aligns with your education and career goals.

Please don’t hesitate to connect us and request for more information. We are looking forward to hearing from you and will be happy to serve you.

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