Hospitality Today: An Introduction – COTHM Dubai

Hospitality Today: An Introduction

This course takes a management perspective in explaining the organization and structure of hotels, restaurants, casinos, cruise lines, and clubs. It includes information on franchising, management contracts, business ethics, human resources, marketing and much more.


3 Months

Study Mode

Distance Learning

What is Included?

  • Study plans with flexibility of time and space.
  • Globally recognized and verifiable Certificates and qualifications.
  • Premium subscription to GPDP Learning Resources worth US$250.
  • Premium subscription of Typsy–Australia worth US$96. (Video Training Courses)
  • Premium subscription to Internships & Placements Program to build your resume, and prepare for job interviews, with our AI-based video interviewing platform to land the job you want.
  • Lifetime membership of COTHM Community of Hospitality Students & Professionals.
  • Lifetime access to Online Events Portal to attend webinars and talks by industry experts
  • Career Pathway & Education pathway counseling


Am I eligible for this progamme?

This course is most suited to individuals who are at least 16 years old, have a high school education.

English Proficiency

Candidates who do not have English as a first language will have to demonstrate competence in reading, writing, and listening skills in English.

About this Course​

This course takes a management perspective in explaining the organization and structure of hotels, restaurants, casinos, cruise lines, and clubs. It includes information on franchising, management contracts, business ethics, human resources, marketing and much more. Charts, exhibits, hospitality industry statistics, and website listings provide useful information that can be applied on the job.

There are chapters on business ethics, franchising, management contracts, and areas of management responsibility such as human resources, marketing and sales, and advertising.

Education Path

After successful completion of this professional qualification any of below certification path:

  • Continues to gain more Hospitality Certifications
  • Continue with Hospitality Specializations
  • Continue with  Hospitality Fundamentals Program
  • Continue with Hospitality Management Diploma

Career Path

Getting certified gives you the skills needed to prepare you for the wide-open world of hospitality. Once you have graduated, you can take several paths to apply your degree.

  • Food and Beverage Management
  • Rooms Division Management
  • Marketing Management
  • Destination Management
  • Human Resources
  • Resort Management
  • Club Management
  • Travel and Tourism Management

This certification can help you grow faster in your existing career as well can open new career opportunity  in the following industry  sectors:

  • Hotels
  • Motels
  • Restaurants
  • Fast Food Chains
  • Café
  • Catering Companies
  • Event Management Companies
  • Travel & Tour Operators
  • Airlines
  • Clubs
  • Cruise Ships


Proctor Required: Yes
Number of Examinations:
Number of Questions per Course: 200
Time Allowed per Course: 240 minutes
Passing Score: 70%

  • A moc exam is provided before the candidate appears in the final examination
  • A one week notice is required to schedule the final examination
  • All examination are held invigilated by COTHM administration

Awarding Body

Upon successful completion, the candidate will be awarded with:

  • Certification by American Hotel & Lodging Educational Institute.


Chapter 1: Service Makes the Difference

1. What Is Service?
2. Challenges in Managing and Marketing Service Businesses
a. The Nature of the Product
b. The Customer’s Role in Production
c. People Are Part of the Product
d. Maintaining Quality Control
e. No Inventories
f. The Importance of Time
g. Different Distribution Channels
3. Achieving Superior Service in a Less-Than-Perfect World
a. Strategic Planning
b. Planning Challenges in Capacity- Constrained Businesses
4. The Strategic Service Vision
a. Targeting a Market Segment
b. Focusing on a Service Strategy
5. Delivering on the Service Promise
a. Keys to Delivering Good Service
b. Service, Disney-Style

Chapter 2: The Travel and Tourism Industry

1. The Changing World
2. The Nature of the Travel and Tourism Industry
3. Interrelationships within the Travel and Tourism Industry
4. Why People Travel
a. Psychographic Research
5. The Social Impact of Travel
a. Sustainable Tourism Development
b. Ecotourism
c. Planning for Tourism Development
Chapter 3: Exploring Hospitality Careers
1. Hospitality Today
a. Lodging
b. Food Service
2. Careers in the Hospitality Industry
a. Selecting an Industry Segment
3. Career Options
a. Lodging
b. Food Service
c. Clubs
d. Cruise Lines
4. Looking for a Job
a. Your First Moves

Chapter 4: Understanding the Restaurant Industry

1. Today’s Restaurant Industry
a. Restaurant Industry Segments
2. Starting a New Restaurant
a. Why Do Restaurants Fail?
b. Building a Successful Restaurant
c. “Greening” the Restaurant
Chapter 5: Restaurant Organization and Management
1. Organizing for Success
a. Guests
b. Ambience
c. Menu
2. Restaurant Controls
a. Financial Controls
b. Operational Controls

Chapter 6: Understanding the World of Hotels

1. Hotels: A Dynamic Industry
a. Industry Trends
b. Going Green
2. Hotel Guests
a. Corporate Individuals
b. Corporate Groups
c. Convention and Association Groups
d. Leisure Travelers
e. Long-Term Stay/Relocation Guests
f. Airline-Related Guests
g. Government and Military Travelers
h. Regional Getaway Guests
i. Guest Mix
3. Hotel Categories
a. Location
b. Ownership
c. Price
d. Other Hotel Categories
4. Developing and Planning New Hotels
a. Site Selection
b. The Feasibility Study
c. Financing

Chapter 7: Hotel Organization and Management

1. How Is a Hotel Organized?
a. Revenue Centers versus Cost Centers
2. Revenue Centers
a. Rooms Division
b. Food and Beverage Division
c. Other Revenue Centers
3. Cost Centers
a. Marketing and Sales Division
b. Engineering Division
c. Accounting Division
d. Human Resources Division
e. Security Division
4. Compliance with the ADA
5. Control Systems
a. Financial Controls
b. Quality Controls
c. Hotel Technology

Chapter 8: Club Management

1. Background on Clubs
2. Types of Clubs
a. City Clubs
b. Country Clubs
c. Other Clubs
3. Club Ownership
a. Equity Clubs
b. Corporate or Developer Clubs
4. Club Organization
a. The Club Manager
5. Club Operations
a. Revenue
b. Expenses
c. Control

Chapter 9: An Introduction to the Meetings Industry

1. Types of Meetings
a. Association Meetings
b. Corporate Meetings
c. Trade Shows/Expositions
2. The Role of Civic and Government Organizations
3. Where Meetings Are Held
a. Virtual Meetings
4. The Meeting Planning Process
a. Planning the Meeting Itself
b. Choosing a Location
c. Choosing a Facility
5. Meetings Industry Careers
a. Travel and Tourism Careers Associated with Meeting Planning

Chapter 10: Floating Resorts: The Cruise Line Business

1. Early Cruises
a. Transportation and Immigration
b. New Passengers and New Directions
2. The Birth of Modern Cruising
a. Carnival Is Born
b. The Cruise Industry Today
3. Cruise Ship Organization
a. The Captain
b. The Hotel Manager
c. Other Officers
d. Environment, Health, Safety, and Security

Chapter 11: Gaming and Casino Hotels

1. The Story of Gaming
a. Gaming in the United States
2. Casino Hotels
a. Revenue
b. Organization and Management
c. Casino Operations

Chapter 12: Managing and Leading Hospitality Enterprises

1. A Manager’s Job
a. Management Tasks
2. The Evolution of Management Theories
a. The Classical School
b. The Behavioral School
c. The Quantitative School
d. The Systems School
e. The Contingency School
f. The Quality Focus School
g. The Customer Focus School
3. Quality Management
a. Six Sigma
b. Balanced Scorecard
4. The Importance of Leadership
a. Strategy I: Attention through Vision
b. Strategy II: Meaning through Communication
c. Strategy III: Trust through Positioning
d. Strategy IV: Self-Development

Chapter 13: Managing Human Resources

1. Labor Trends
a. Changing Demographics
b. High Turnover
2. Legislation
3. Human Resources Programs
a. Caring About Employees
b. Defining the Job
c. Establishing Productivity Standards
d. Recruiting Suitable Job Candidates
e. Selecting the Best Applicants
f. Implementing Continual Training and Career Development Programs
g. Motivating and Retaining Employees
h. Employee Benefit Options
i. Evaluating Employees

Chapter 14: Marketing Hospitality

1. The Marketing Concept
a. The Four P’s of Marketing
b. Developing a Marketing Plan
2. Sales Management and Personal Selling
a. How to Be a Successful Salesperson
3. Advertising
a. Definition of Advertising
b. What an Advertiser Needs
c. Advertising Agencies
d. Creating Effective Advertising
4. Public Relations
5. Publicity
6. Sales Promotion
7. Internet Marketing
a. E-Mail Advertising and Promotion
b. Social Media
8. Leveraging Your Marketing Dollars

Chapter 15: How Management Companies Manage Hotels

1. Why Management Companies Exist
2. The Evolution of Management Companies
3. Management Contracts
a. Contract Provisions
b. Advantages and Disadvantages

Chapter 16: Franchising Is Big Business

1. What Is a Franchise?
a. Types of Franchises
2. The History of Franchising
a. Product or Trade-Name Franchising
b. Business Format Franchising
3. How Franchising Works
a. Initial Investment
b. Franchise Regulations
4. Owning a Franchise
a. Advantages
b. Disadvantages
c. Advantages and Disadvantages for Franchisors
5. Franchising Issues

Chapter 17: Ethics in Hospitality Management

1. What Is Ethics?
2. Social Responsibility and Business Ethics
a. How We Arrive at Our Values
b. Is Business Like Poker?
c. Is Honesty Always the Best Policy?
d. The Search for a Common Moral Ground
3. Ethical Issues in Hospitality
a. Environmental Issues
b. Discrimination
c. Sexual Harassment
d. AIDS in the Workplace
e. Advertising Claims
f. Truth-in-Menu Laws
4. Must There Be a Code of Ethics?
a. Some Ethical Litmus Tests

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