How To Start Your University Journey Online?

How To Start Your University Journey Online?

How To Start Your University Journey Online? cover

So you're thinking about starting your university journey online? Here are a few things you should know before making the leap!

Why study online?

With the majority of jobs requiring a degree, it has become essential to further your education to stay ahead of the competition in the job market. However, many people are unable to attend a brick-and-mortar college or university due to work or family commitments, or because they live too far away from campus. This is where online institutions like COTHM Dubai come in handy – you can fit studying around your other commitments.

Here is a brief overview of our previous article that details the benefits of learning online:

  • You can study from anywhere in the world
  • There is a wide range of courses available
  • You can study at your own pace
  • It is often cheaper to study online than it is to study on-campus
  • You will have more flexibility when it comes to studying

Additionally, the Research Institute of America has found that eLearning increases retention rates by 25% to 60% while retention rates of face-to-face training are very low in comparison: 8% to 10%. This again stems from the fact that students have more control over the learning process as well as the opportunity to revisit the learning material as needed. This is why at COTHM Dubai, depending on the course you pick, you have access to all the resources for minimum of 3 months and maximum of 2 years.

How to choose the right online course?

There are a few things you should consider before enrolling in an online course. Below are some factors that may help you choose the right course for you:

  1. What type of course do you need?
  2. How much time do you have to dedicate to the course?
  3. Do you have the required technological skills?
  4. What is your budget for the course?

Choosing the right online course can be a daunting task, but if you take the time to consider your needs, it will be easier to find a course that is a good fit for you.

How to make online learning work for you

Whether you are starting university or returning to study, there is no doubt that learning online is a great way to achieve your academic and professional goals. Here are our top tips for success in online learning:

  1. Make sure you have a good internet connection. This may seem obvious, but it is important to check your internet speeds before starting an online class. A slow or unreliable connection can make it difficult to participate in live lectures or submit assignments on time.
  2. Create a dedicated study space for yourself. This will help you to focus and stay motivated when you are studying. One of the biggest challenges of online learning is staying on track without the structure of a physical classroom. If you're not self-motivated, it will be easy to fall behind. Make sure you're prepared to stay on top of your work and keep up with the pace of the class.
  3. Make sure to set yourself regular goals and prioritize your tasks so that you know what needs to be completed first. This will help you to stay on track and ensure that you are making progress.
  4. Take advantage of all the resources and materials that are available to you online. There is a wealth of information and support available, so make sure to utilize it.
  5. One of the best ways to succeed in online learning is to connect with other students in your courses. Joining an online study group or participating in discussion forums can help you collaborate on assignments and prepare for exams.
  6. Be sure to set reminders for yourself and submit work on time!
  7. Take breaks throughout the day, or else you’ll burn out quickly. Step away from your workspace every few hours and take a walk, or do something else that relaxes you.

Finally, remember to enjoy your studies! Learning should be enjoyable, so make sure to find ways to make it fun for yourself.

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An online university journey can be a daunting task, but with the right resources, it can be a rewarding experience. Here are some helpful tips you should keep in mind when starting out.

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